Three shot in Pretoria shopping centre robbery. Reports from the scene indicate that an adult male security guard, an adult female, and a minor female had been shot in what was alleged to be an armed robbery.
Gauteng: At 17H54 Thursday afternoon Netcare 911 responded to reports of a shooting at a shopping center on Olifantsfontein Road in Olievenhoutbosch Pretoria.
When medics arrived on the scene they found all three patients had sustained moderate to serious injuries. All three patients were treated on scene and once stabilised were transported by ambulance under the care of advanced life support paramedics to the hospital.
Circumstances leading up to the incident will be investigated by the relevant authorities.
Shawn Herbst
Media Liaison Officer
Netcare Limited
Netcare 911
Suite 102, 1st Floor
Umhlanga Medical Centre
321 Umhlanga Rocks Drive
Umhlanga Ridge
South Africa
GPS Co-ordinates: S25°59’40.14’ E28°7”14.859’
Source – Netcare
In other news – Pearl Garavaglia has some interesting tips for you – In Pics
Pearl Garavaglia has some interesting tips for you… Those that have been to the Gym, be it Virgin Active or Planet Fitness, will tell you that a personal trainer doesn’t come cheap. If you are like me and want to save on some of these tips, there is one simple thing to do… Follow these personal trainers on social media.
I was checking on the beautiful personal trainer, Pearl Garavaglia and I noticed her Instagram is full of Interesting tips. Some might be related to fitness and training and some seem to be related to life in general.
The amazing thing is that she shared these tips as captions to her Instagram posts and we thought why not share some of these tips with all…Learn more.