5 Pictures of Kim Kholiwe in Pink that are simply amazing and are worth sharing. Keeping up with fashion trends can be difficult but it doesn’t seem like the case for socialite Kim Kholiwe. With her looking good seems so easy and that leaves most of us jealous.
It’s like she looks amazing in everything that she wears. Today we thought, why not focus on Kim Kholiwe’s favourite colour. From her Instagram, we gathered that Kim loves pink and she looks really good in it. So here are 5 pictures of Kim Kholiwe in pink as she sets some amazing fashion goals.

She might just cause an accident standing in the road like that. Her almost 400K Instagram followers seem to like every moment she shares.

She even captioned the picture above telling us how she loves pink and you gotta love that pink and white sneaker combination.

Kim Kholiwe loves pink to the point that her toaster and blender are also pink. We couldn’t resist sharing the below flashback. Those high heels just make her look fabulous.

I wonder which picture of Kim Kholiwe in pink does it for you? Moving on to current events, Kim Kholiwe shared a picture under the hashtag #AmInext. Standing in front of a Mercedes Benz, Kim simply makes every picture look amazing…

In Other News – Breathtaking Pictures of Miss SA Zozibini Tunzi in New York
Miss SA 2019 Zozibini Tunzi is excited about dream walking in New York fashion week.
The star expressed how overwhelmed she is and was grateful for the opportunity as she further revealed that being in New York is her first time travelling out of SA. see more